Mels Pricing Method 2023


The number ONE question everyone asks is "How much would you sell that for?" If you can't answer that question in an exact number, your PROFITS could be in trouble!

We covered all the ways I could possibly answer this question in this class!!!

Easy for any level to follow along and fully understand how (and WHY) to price an item when you've completed this class!

Have you been thinking about ways to increase the profits in your business?

Not sure if how you are pricing your items is the "correct way"?

Afraid you are leaving money on the table?

Feel like you are "not qualified" to charge what you SHOULD be charging?

Want to know how I personally price my items for PROFIT?

Interested in knowing how to perfectly price your Wreath for any situation?

Interested in learning how to price a Wreath Kit, a multiple wreath design or maybe even a wreath class???

Years of experience led me to how I price my items... PLEASE don't let pricing your products keep you in a slump!!! I can help!

Have you considered adding Wreath Classes, Wreath Kits or even adding a Multiple design to your shop???

Or maybe you just really want to know the exact formula to price your own wreaths for sale???

OR if you have ever said "Wreaths don't sell for that much in my area!".... I'm here to tell you... there's options!!

I bet your next thought is how much of a PROFIT you can make by adding these revenue streams to your portfolio  (don’t be shy, we are in business to make a profit... naturally PROFITS should be on your mind)

THINK NO MORE.... I’m taught all of my PRICE TO PROFIT methods (for wreaths, wreaths Kits, Classes and Multiples)

If You have taken one of my personal classes before, you know I talk REAL TALK! I'm not hiding what "I really do"... I'm telling you WHY I do what I "really do" and all the reasons behind it for you to make educated decisions for YOUR own business. 

Day 1: WHY we price things the way we do!  ($400 Value) **4 hour REPLAY is posted and available on the website & in the private Facebook group!

Day 2: HOW to Calculate (using Excel spreadsheets or by hand)  ($250 Value) **2.5 hour REPLAY is posted and available on the website & in the private Facebook group!

Day 3: Q&A session ($300 Value) **3 hour REPLAY is posted and available on the website & in the private Facebook group!

That's a $900 Value for $57.00!!!!

Learn How To:

Price a profitable Wreath!

Price a profitable Wreath Kit!

Price a Profitable In Person Wreath Class!

Price a profitable Multiple design! 

How to stretch supplies to maximize your budget!

Easily Calculate all your supplies to price your items for a PROFIT that suits YOU and your Customers!!!

BONUS * Pricing Guide Spreadsheets includes examples of pricing and blank forms for your personal use. 

BONUS * KIT/ Class/ Wreath Multiple Pricing worksheet for you to use in your business!!

BONUS * Creative tutorial showing you exactly how I stretch supplies for my pancake style design and how I get the MOST out of every penny!

BONUS * Guidance on How to Price Items in a Boutique! 

BONUS * Coupons to other Sincerely Creative Mom classes including Garlands, Boutique Vendor information and In Person Classes ($40 Value)

ALL for $57.00... The value of this class is WAY beyond the cost.

I didn't hold anything back.... I want you to feel comfortable pricing your items and be successful!! 

The only way you can WIN is if you know how to maximize your supplies and price your Wreaths, Kits, Classes and Multiples with a PROFIT in mind! 

I would LOVE for you to join this one time class & learn all you can!!!

**Please keep in mind this is a paid class, content, methods, tricks and hacks learned in this class are property of Sincerely Creative Mom and may not be shared outside this class. Doing so will result in (but not limited too) being removed from the class and banned from Sincerely Creative Mom. Please do not share this content.

After your purchase you will have immediate access to the video links on the website. You will be emailed your user name and password for the website:  If you need assistance, please text us at 810-498-2310, we will respond during normal work hours (EST).

PS if you have previously taken a Sincerely Creative Mom class, please don't forget your coupon code as refunds will not be processed. Check your respective Facebook group for the code.

*This is a digital product, no physical items will be mailed to you. No Refunds.

12 Topics


The number ONE question everyone asks is "How much would you sell that for?" If you can't answer that question in an exact number, your PROFITS could be in trouble!

We'll answer this question with over 9 hours of training support! 

How you price your wreaths (and other home decor items) and WHY we price them the way we do is the focus of this class!

Understanding the WHY is just as important as the HOW... leave this class fully understanding WHY & HOW and you'll be more confident pricing your products in the future!

Please note: This class is NOT a tax class therefore NO tax advice will be given.

Facebook Group Details

See below for the Facebook group link and password.

Day 1 Pricing - Where and Why

Pricing Conversation: WHY we price the way we do

Day 2 Calculations and worksheets

Pricing Spreadsheets: HOW we price our products (wreaths, ribbon, wreath kits, wreath classes etc)

Q and A

Pricing Q&A: Answering questions from the Q&A post in the group

Pricing sheets

Pricing Excel worksheets to use for your own calculations.


Below you will find coupon codes to other Sincerely Creative Mom classes that you may also find very helpful in your wreath making business.

Favorite Suppliers

Below are a few of my favorite suppliers. These are the companies I trust and purchase most from when I'm looking for quality Ribbon, Mesh, Florals, Greenery and Signs.

Text ME

The BEST way for us to keep in touch is by texting me! 


Creative Coaching

Learn more about the Creative Coaching group I am a part of and a special offer (below) to join...

Shipping information

Shipping: We talked a little about shipping in class...Here are two different links that will help you with shipping (see below):

Business Coaching

Something else we talked about in class was "The Business Coaching Group" so I wanted to take a moment to tell you about the Coaches.

Topics for this workshop 12
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 Mels Method 2023
 $ 57.00 USD

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Referred by: Melissa Morrow

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